LdapServerff? ?(group) is to unify usersgroup managementreason. likefruituserAdd to? ?middle.? ?middle? ?record.
F? ?Include? ?Second major?, the following are about these two? ?Which one is it?
In the Fusioninsight HD platform, HBase does not currently support secondary indexes
Which of the following parts does the structure of the unified certification management system include?
The figure below shows the data transmission architecture of flume. What is the component at the "?" in the figure?
Fl? ?in transmissiondata process. Data can be simply filtered.hostwantby setting( )at Source? ?between (writeCa?Before)ordon't caredata is filtered.
In Huawei's big data solution, LadpServer, as a directory service system, can implement centralized management of accounts on the big data platform. The following statement about LdapServer is correct:
When a certain task of MapReduce fails, the task can be recalculated through the retry mechanism.
During data stream processing,frequently used systemtimebetween(proceessing time)dofor an eventbetween. About Processing TimeWhich item is described incorrectly?
Spark is a memory-based computing engine. All Sparki program data in the running process can only be stored in memory
By configuring which of the following parameters can the logs generated in Kafkal be cleaned up?
After the Loadert job in Fusioninsight HD is submitted to YARN, the job cannot be manually stopped.
The checkpoint mechanism in Flink continuously draws snapshots of streaming applications. The state snapshots of streaming applications can only be saved in the HDFS file system
The client writes data to any Zookeeper node. Zookeeper needs to fully synchronize the data to other nodes before returning to the client to write successfully.
Huawei has extensive experience in big data solutions in various industries such as finance, public security, railways, and government affairs.
In Huawei Fusioninsight, HBase's table design tool, connection pool management and enhanced $DK can simplify the business development of complex data tables.
Data in FlumeCompression characteristics are mainlyYesFor which of the following purposes?
Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure built on Hadoop. It provides a set of tools that can be used to perform extract-transform-load (ETL), a mechanism for storing, querying, and analyzing large-scale data stored in Hadoop.
The scheme authentication method of single-choice Zookeeper does not include which of the following?( )
Fusioninsight Manager's statement about the configuration function of the service is incorrect?
The following figure shows the computational model of Structured Streaming. By observation, it can be concluded that the final calculation result of 3 is
Fusioninsight Manger supports REST interface, SNMP interface and SYSLOG interface externally
To enable the log aggregation function of the Yam component in the Hadoop platform, which parameter needs to be configured?
Fusionlnsight HD cluster upgrade, which of the following descriptions are correct?
When the Hive service status is displayed as Bad on the Fusioninsight Manager interface, what are the possible reasons?
F1ink not only provides real-time computing that supports both high throughput and exact-once semantics, but also provides batch data processing.
Which of the following is not included in the schemai authentication method of Zookeeper?
Which of the following options for providing multiple Redis1 optimizations is wrong?
Flume's properties.properties configuration file can configure multiple channels to transmit data.
DataSet from Spark2.0Officially enabled, it has the characteristics of both DataFrame and RDD, and RDD is no longer used.
The ResourceManager adopts a high-availability scheme. When the Active resourcemanager finds a fault, it can only start the standby resourcemanager through the built-in zookeeper and switch its state to active.
FlinkWhich of the following three types of windows can be divided into the following three types of windows according to different implementation principles?
A website learning activity. Ask to count the number of user visits per minute to this network. To achieve this requirement, which of the following options is the most appropriate?
Indataduring stream processing. eachthingpieceTimeWhich of the following three can be divided into?
In the Fusioninsight HD system, a Loader node in the cluster is abnormal. If other services are not abnormal, the normal use of the Loader service function will not be affected.
Select which of the following conversion rules are supported by Loader jobs? (multiple choice)
Kunpeng computing industry is a full-stack I1 infrastructure, industry applications and services built on the Kunpeng processor, including PCs, servers, storage, operating systems, middleware, virtualization, databases, cloud services, industry applications and consulting management services Wait.
In the Fusioninsight product, which of the following descriptions are correct about the topic of creating Kafka?
In Zookeeper's service model, the Leader node exists in the active-standby mode. All other nodes belong to the Follower node.
The data stream of F1ume can be sent to different Channels according to the headers information.
ElWhat processing capabilities does asticSearch have for structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data?
In the FusionlnsightHD product, which statement about the Kafka component is correct?
In the replica placement strategy of HDFS, what is the distance between different servers in the same rack?
The HDFS data reading process includes the following steps, please choose the correct order. (Drag title) Order: ECADB
KerbarasAs a certification service center,were ableSecondary development applications to all services in the cluster and customerscarryforsystemA certification service.
ChannelE acts like a queue and is used to temporarily cache incoming data. When the sink successfully sends the data to the next-hop Channel or the final destination, the data will be removed from the Channel
When using Loaderi for data import and export, data processing must go through the Reducel stage
In the Fusionlnisght HD system, the number of Partitions and the number of replicas must be set when creating the Topich of Kafkal. Setting up multiple replicas can enhance the disaster tolerance of the Kafka service.
With the continuous increase in the volume of big data, the requirements for the physical security of data storage are getting higher and higher, and higher requirements are also put forward for the multiple copies of data and disaster recovery mechanism.
RowKey of a table in HBase:Divide the SplitKey into 9, e, a, z. How many Regions does this table have?
When a Regioni in HBaser performs the Split operation, what stage occurs in the process of actually dividing an HFile file into two Regions?
In order to improve the fault tolerance of Kafka, Kafka supports the replication strategy of partition. Which of the following descriptions about Leader partition and Follower partition is wrong?
Fusioninsight HD Manager interface Hive log collection. Which option is incorrect?
In the cooperative work of Zookeeper and YARN, when Active ResourceManagerj fails, which directory will Standby ResourceManager obtain Application-related information from?
Which of the following scenarios is not suitable for HDFS?
A streaming data access
B. Lots of small file storage
C. Large file storage and access
D. random write
Regarding the ControllerNodeAgent in FusionlnsightManager, which statement is correct?
ACOntroller sends heartbeat to NodeAgent every 3 seconds
B. NodeAgent accepts commands from Controller and executes specific actions
C. Controller must be deployed on each node
D. NodeAgent is open source enhanced
When installing the Streaming component of FusionlnsightHD, the Nimbus role requires several nodes to be installed
When a RegionServer fails, the Region on the failed RegionServer is migrated. (fill in the blank)
In the Fusioninsight HD product, a typical kafka cluster contains several producers, thousands of consumers and a zookeeper cluster?
A typical Katka cluster contains several Producers, several Brokers, several Consumers and a ZooKeeper cluster.
Generated when RDDs have width and narrow dependencies ( ), which reduces cluster performance.
In a Huawei Fusioninsight HD cluster, which of the following services can the Spark service read data from?
In Kafka HA, when the leader corresponding to the partition is down, a new leader needs to be elected from the followers. Which of the following roles should be executed?
From the point of view of the life cycle, what stages does data mainly go through?
Which of the following components does the platform architecture of Huawei's big data solution include?
When the F1ume process is cascaded, which of the following sink types are used to receive the messages sent by the previous hop Flume?
What are the key features of Streaming in Huawei's big data product Fusioninsight HD?
YARN manages cluster resources through ResourceManager. What are its main functions?
The following statements about the reliability of Fusioninsight network security are correct:
Which of the following statements about Fusioninsight HBasel visual modeling are correct?
Which of the following statements about CarbonData in Fusioninsight is correct?
In a Fusionlnsight HD cluster, if the recommended deployment scheme is adopted with a cluster size of 300 nodes, which partitions must not exist on the control node?
Are the following descriptions correct about the HBase file storage module (HBase FileStream, HFS for short)?
The following figure shows the label storage strategy of HDFS. Observe the figure below, which data nodes will HBasel data be stored on
In the Fusioninsight HD system, it fails to view the topology or submit the topology using the Shelle command of the Streaming client. Which of the following positioning methods are correct?
In the FusionInsight cluster, which of the following components does Spark mainly interact with?
In Fusioninsight HD, which of the following is not a flow control feature of Hive
If HDFS is deployed with a single name node, what limitations may exist? (multiple choice)
When executing the HBases data reading business, which parts of the data need to be read?
Which of the following nodes are included in the basic system architecture of HDFS?
Multi-select Hive components can support multiple interfaces, which of the following interfaces is not supported
The following descriptions about FusionInsight multi-tenant management are correct
What information does a Key Value format in the HBase data file HFiler contain?
Which of the followingOSWhich version is recommended for building a Fusioninsight V1R2C60 cluster?
Hadoop:When the scale of the cluster is large, the distribution of data will be very critical. Users need to decide whether to expand the cluster and whether the data needs to be balanced according to the data distribution. The following statements about Fusioninsight resource distribution monitoring are correct:
Which of the following designs are mainly considered in the planning process of the big data business consulting service plan?
Which component controls the primary and secondary arbitration of NameNodef in HDFS
When creating a Loader job, in which of the following steps can the number of Maps be set?
In Hadoop, if yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.QueueA. minimum-user-limit-percenti is set to 50, which of the following statements is wrong?
The picture below shows Sparke&MapReduce performance comparison data, it can be concluded that compared with MapReducei computing, Spark uses( )resources, get( )double the performance?
The figure below shows the configuration of HDFS tiered storage. If the number of copies of a block is 4. Which of the following statements is wrong?
When the Loader of Fusioninsight HD creates a job, what is the function of the connector?
What does Fusioninsight HD HBase use by default as its underlying file storage system?
When planning a FusionlnsightHD cluster, if the customer does not have performance requirements for functional testing and saves costs, the management node, control node, and data node can be deployed together. How many nodes are required at least?
In many small file scenarios, Spark will start many tasks. When there is a Shuffle operation in the SQL logic, the number of hash buckets will be greatly increased, which will seriously affect the performance. In Fusioninsight, scenarios for small files usually use the( )Operator to merge partitioni generated by small files in Tabler, reduce the number of partitions, avoid generating too many hash buckets during shuffle, and improve performance?
In the Fusioninsight HD system, which of the following methods cannot view the execution result of the Loader job?
In Fusioninsight HD, if you need to view the user and permission group currently logged in to HBase, what command can be executed in the HBase shell?
RDD has Transformation and Action operators. Which of the following belongs to the Action operator?
When the loader in Fusioninsight HD imports files from the SFTP server, which of the following file types does not require encoding conversion and data conversion and is the fastest?
Assuming that the amount of data is about 200GB: the maximum capacity of shards is limited to 30GB, what is the appropriate maximum number of shards?
Regarding the relationship between Hive and other components of Hadoop. Which of the following descriptions is wrong?
FusionlnsightHD uses the HBase client to write 10 pieces of data in batches. A Regionserver node contains 2 Regions of the table, A and B, respectively. Two of the 10 pieces of data belong to A. 4 belong to B. Clearly write How many RPC requests do I need to send to the Regionserver to enter these 10 pieces of data?
Which of the following operations are recorded in the Fusioninsight HD system audit log unavailable?
When viewing the partition details of a TopicE of Kafka, which command should be used?
The Fusioninsight HD cluster planned by a bank has 90 nodes. If three control nodes are planned, it is recommended to plan only one data node in the cluster.
In the replica placement strategy of HDFS, what is the distance between different servers in the same rack?
In the WebHCat architecture, which of the following operations can users perform over the secure HTTPS protocol
Which of the following HDFS commands can be used to check the integrity of data blocks?
During the data collection process of F1ume, the following options can filter and modify the data:
In the task scheduling process of YARN, which of the following is the task that ApplicationMastert is responsible for?
The smallest processing unit of HBase is Region. Where is the routing information between User Region and Region Server stored?
Which of the following is not a role or service involved in the process of reading data in HBasei?
Assume that the minimum resource guarantee for each user is set to YARN. scheduler. capacity. root. QueueA. minimum-User-limit-percent=25, then the above statement is wrong
When creating a Loaderf job, in which of the following steps can the filter type be set?