Create a list of assets of a company with which you’re familiar and divide them into standard and bespoke categorizing.
Describe two ways in which an organization with which you are familiar could use continuous im-provement as part of whole life asset management.
Explain with examples three differences between offers and invitation to treat.
What are the two options for the disposal of an asset if resale is not possible?
Explain how a lack of understanding of a global supplier’s culture and ethical behavior could cost buying organization money.
Explain why the behavior of an organization with which you are familiar could affect its business.
When benchmarking what other factors, apart from price should be considered to find the total cost of acquisition?
What Incoterm applies here?
The supplier is responsible of placing the goods in the hands of a chosen carrier by the buyer, at which point the buyer takes on the risk.
Use the balance sheet below to work out the correct ratio for coffee Time and explain whether the company appears to have enough assets to cover it liability.
Justify which of the five approaches to condition performance monitoring you think is the most cost effective within whole life asset management.
What potential costs could an organization face if it fails to conduct Due diligence effectively?
Write all of factors that contribute towards value for a product that you regularly purchase.
What effect is technology having on jobs within an organization with which you are familiar with?
Using the case study about Toyata, which type of benchmarking Tada has used when comparing the Toyata with Porsche?
Think of a supply chain with which you are familiar and distinguish between the primary, second-ary and tertiary sector organization within it.
What Incoterm applies here?
The supplier is responsible for delivering the goods to a carrier or to an intermediate agreed place. From this point, the buyer is responsible for ensuring these goods reach their named destination.
Which contract term contains details of when a product or service should be delivered and ex-plained the potential loss of business?
Which Incoterm applies here?
The supplier is responsible for delivering the goods to a point alongside a water vessel (such as a dock or quay) as determined by the buyer at a named port. Once delivered, all risk is transferred to the buyer until the goods are transported and delivered to their name destination.
Which contract term contains details of when a product or service should be delivered and ex-plained the potential loss of business?