Red Hat Certified Specialist in Virtualization exam(RH318) Practice Questions
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Red Hat Certified Specialist in Virtualization exam(RH318) Questions and Answers
Task 10
Create a role with next permissions: can create a datacenter, cannot delete a datacenter.
Authorize this role to the user dcmanager
Create a role with next permissions: can delete disk, cannot create disk.
Authorize this role to the user diskmanager
NOTE: The role name is arbitrary, only check the permissions.
Task 1
Install RHVM
Task 9
Configure the IPA of the external authentication server, which requires:
1) External server utility.lab.example.com for IPA
2) Use CA certificate https://utility.lab.example.com/ipa/config/ca.crt
3) External domain lab.example.com
4) Administrator login: admin password: redhat