Which of the following is a leadership extraction practice that rewards projects for choosing materials with closed-loop recycling and take-back programs in LEED?
A building owner installs a building automation system (BAS) to allow programmable load control. Which of the
following credits can be pursued because of the installation?
The Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Reduction takes into account both new and three-year aged Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) values for roofing material because
For a bicycle network to demonstrate compliance with Location and Transportation Credit, Bicycle Facilities, the
bicycle network must connect to
What is the minimum gross floor area required for a Building Design and Construction project to be eligible for
Which rating system is being used if all of the credits below have been submitted towards certification?
- Location and Transportation Credit, Reduced Parking Footprint
- Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Fundamental Refrigerant Management
- Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Acoustic Performance
- Materials and Resources Credit, Persistent, Bio accumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Source Reduction - Lead,Cadmium, and Copper
Which of the following strategies is allowed under Energy Atmosphere Credit, Renewable Energy Production, and will help a project achieve Energy Atmosphere Credit, Optimize Energy Performance?
The owner of a large multi-building property is seeking LEED certification. In determining the LEED project boundaries the LEED AP may include non-contiguous parcels of land if
A LEED Building Design and Construction: New Construction office building's HVAC system includes hot water from a central utility plant. The central utility plant is owned and operated by a management company. The office pays a flat fee for hot water, included as part of the leas. The management company does not meter or invoice for actual hot water consumption. For the project to meet the requirements for Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite, Building-Level
Energy Metering, an energy meter must be installed for
A decorative overhead light fixture is specified for a project that costs $1,500 USD and uses recycled water bottles as part of the diffuser shade. The shades are 10% of the overall weight of the fixture and are 50% post-consumer recycled content. Assuming no other portions of the fixture meet sustainability criteria, what would the contributing value of the fixture be?
An HVAC system consists of an air handler supplying conditioned air (mixture of return air andoutdoor air) to anoffice, corridor, conference room and lobby. For Indoor Environmental Quality Prerequisite, Minimum Indoor AirQuality Performance, the ventilation rate procedure calculations must be based upon what HVAC systemconfiguration?
A project elects to pursue Location and Transportation Credit, Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses, Option 2. Diverse Uses because of the project's location in an amenity-rich area. The project features 18 uses overall, including at least four uses in three of the five use type categories. What threshold must the project surpass in order to demonstrate exemplary performance for Option 2?
A rectangular office building is located in an extremely humid climate and is shaded by very large adjacent buildings
on all four sides. If the building owner wants to decrease the annual energy cost for operating the building, which of
the following would be the best design approach?
For Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan, which of the following
items is required for credit compliance?
A Photovoltaic (PV) system was installed on a 35,000 ft2 (3 252 m2) project. What actions need to take place in order to meet compliance for Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite, Fundamental Commissioning (Cx) and Verification?
In order for a product to contribute to Materials and Resources Credit, Building Product Disclosure and Optimization, Environmental Product Declarations, Option 1. Environmental Product Declaration, the product needs to be
Which of the following strategies would be considered an acceptable minor improvement within the wetland buffer for Location and Transportation Credit, Sensitive Land Protection?
Which of the following project types is required to consider the perimeter floor area instead of the regularly occupied floor area under the Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Daylight calculations?
Which of the following must be included in the Sustainable Sites Credit, Site Assessment?
The project landscape architect suggests reducing the area planned for surface parking and replacing it with additional vegetated space. What benefit would this strategy provide to the owner?
The LEED project has a main entrance and two service entrances in an alley behind the building. Which entrances need non-smoking signage and at what maximum distance from the door(s) can the non-smoking signage be posted?
Which of the following projects is eligible to pursue the Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite,Minimum Energy Performance, Option 2. Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide?
Which of the following strategies can be used to achieve a point in Innovation Credit, Innovation, Option 1.Innovation?
In the Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Low-Emitting Materials, what types of products need to be evaluated for
both Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) content of the material and VOC emissions of the material?
Location and Transportation Credit, Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses, Option 1. Surrounding Density requires project teams to exclude what type of land area from the calculations?
An urban office building project is installing a cooling tower. To save on potable water, the project would like to usea nonpotable water source to provide 20% of the cooling tower makeup water to achieve the maximum number ofpoints under Water Efficiency Credit, Cooling Tower Water Use. Which nonpotable water source would be the mostappropriate for use?
The use of lead, mercury, copper and cadmium should be limited because they all
In the energy modeling of a building envelope, which of the following U-values should be considered as an assembly U-value?
A building owner in an arid climate is trying to design an outdoor lunch area for the tenants. Which landscaping
strategy is important to employ in order to reduce water demand?
A project in a cold climate does not want a highly reflective roof because they want the heat absorption. How can this
project comply with Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Reduction?
What is a viable strategy for optimizing open space under Sustainable Sites Credit, Open Space? U
The project team has decided to substitute the flooring in the school gym with natural rubber flooring that has met the Sustainable Agriculture Standard. The cost of the substituted flooring is $80,000. The project will achieve
When calculating the reverberation time of a room, which of the following pieces of information is least relevant?
A project team member has prepared a map and accompanying table as documentation for the Location and Transportation Credit. Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses. Option 2. Diverse Uses. The map includes the location of each diverse use. the location of the project and the main entrance of the building. The table includes the distance to each use. the name of each use and the category of each use The team lead reviews the documentation and notes an important missing item. Which of the following is the most important item to add to the documentation?
For major renovation and new construction projects, the required energy and water-related system analyses should be the same except for
Which of the following products must always be included in Materials and Resources credits?
Which strategy should be employed to improve daylighting when designing a new building?
Under Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite, Fundamental Commissioning and Verification, a current facilities requirements and operations and maintenance plan must contain which information necessary to operate the building efficiently?
Which of the following is an example of a nonroof measure for Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Reduction?
What aspects of each space should the LEED consultant consider to identify the regularly occupied spaces on a project to ensure that floor area values are utilized consistently across credits?
Landscape irrigation practices consume large quantities of potable water. By evaluating the project's outdoor water budget and irrigation water demand early in the design process in Water Efficiency Prerequisite, Outdoor Water Use Reduction project teams will be able to
In order to achieve Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Quality Views the project team increased the window-to-wall
ratio. Which prerequisite was impacted by this action?
An existing vacant office building will be completely renovated and new mechanical, electrical and plumbingsystems will be installed. 20% of the building's gross floor area will be complete at the time of certification. Therewill be a data center and some retail stores on the ground floor of the building at a future date. Which rating systemis applicable for the building?
What is the maximum number of points a project pursuing LEED for New Construction can achieve under Location
and Transportation Credit, Access to Quality Transit?
Location and Transportation Credit, Reduced Parking Footprint calculations must include
Which of the following Water Efficiency credits differ between LEED Building Design and Construction: New Construction and LEED Building Design and Construction: Healthcare?
When using the Integrative Process, what is the best way for the LEED AP to assess the impact of indoor and outdoor water consumption in a Building Design and Construction project?
What are the requirements of commercial projects for long-term bicycle storage under Location and
Transportation, Bicycle Facilities - Bicycle Storage and Shower Rooms?
The Required Breathing Zone Outdoor Airflow Vbz for a new banking facility is 0.120 CFM/ft2 (0.6 L/s/m2). If the team
decides to attempt Increased Ventilation under Option 2 in the Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Enhanced Indoor
Air Quality Strategies, what is the minimum Design Zone Outdoor Airflow?
During a review of the HVAC equipment submittal, the Commissioning Authority (CxA) determined that the contractorsubstituted a higher efficiency piece of equipment. Which of the following is the priority for the CxA to consider?
A project design team for an elementary school project is attempting to achieve Innovation Credit, Innovation, Option 1. Innovation. Which of the following strategies would qualify?
Which approach will contribute to maintaining compliance with Sustainable Sites Credit, Rainwater Management?
Which of the following are control measures recommended by the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Contractors Association (SMACNA) for the Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan?
A project team is using the whole building simulation model to quantify the percentage of energy savings for the project. Which of the following should remain the same for both the baseline building and the proposed building?
For an emergency care facility project, which of the following credits can be achieved if the total cost of
permanently installed products are 25% cradle-to-cradle V3 Gold and 25% GreenScreen List Translator?
A project attempting to meet the preferred parking requirements for Location and Transportation Credit, Green Vehicles may provide what incentive to meet the requirements and highlight the project sustainable vehicle strategy?
During the early stages of a LEED for Schools project, the team was able to reduce the number of lighting fixtures in classrooms by 25% because the project team selected paint color whose light reflectance value was 75% instead of the initially proposed 64% value. This strategy is an example of applying which of the following credits to the project?
A mixed-use development is located 1/2 mi. (0.80 km) from a future commuter rail line station.Which of the following pieces of information is needed when determining whether the rail line station can contribute to Location and Transportation Credit, Access to Quality Transit?
During preliminary energy analysis, what energy reduction strategies can best help in reducing the energy load in the new building construction project?
According to the Integrative Process Credit, Integrative Process, the goal-setting workshop should identify
A commercial new construction project consists of mixed space usage. When deciding which LEED rating system to use, the LEED AP should follow which of the following rules?
A project's massing and site orientation can have a direct impact on which of the following prerequisites?
The design team and project owner decided not to pursue Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Enhanced
Commissioning, but would hire a Commissioning Authority (CxA) to oversee the requirements for Energy andAtmosphere Prerequisite, Fundamental Commissioning and Verification. What is a required responsibility for the CxA to achieve the stated objective?